About Me

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Hi, my name is Irina. Just living the life with my husband, James and our two kids, Isabelle and Austin. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you get a good laugh outta it! ;o)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Talk about carbolicious.....

So this evening I made some Cougar Gold Mac & Cheese.  We bought the 1lb. tin of Cougar Gold last October for $20 at Costco.  That's a pretty darn good deal considering a tin starts at $32 at our local QFC.  Seriously, that's like the price of a pair of Tiny TOMS for Austin.  Who doesn't love mac & cheese, right?!  And anyone can make boxed mac & cheese.  Good grief - I make it at least 3 times a week for the kiddos.  Then there's Velveeta Mac.  Yeah, yeah - so it freaking looks like plastic cheese sauce.  But sometimes you gotta get that fix in.  Kinda like Spam....  (But that's another blog for another day!)  I had some Garlic-Herbed chicken marinating for the last 24 hours - threw that under the broiler.  I smelled GOOD in here!  While that was cooking I got the water boiling for the macaroni, 7 minutes later it was done.  I busted into my Cougar Gold reserves and shredded some of that precious gold.  I got some cheese sauce going, mixed it up with some cheesy goodness, threw it in the oven and VOILA!!  Dinner is DONE!!  Check it out, yo........  Don't drool over your keyboards, friends.

 xoxo ~ Irina
 I give you Cougar Gold Mac & Cheese.

Our meal plated ready to go out.
My plate.  
You like how the mac & cheese out-portions the green beans?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Virgin Blogger.......

So a couple of my girlfriends, Sara and Natalie, have blogs and I've totally enjoyed reading about their home makeovers, crafty projects, baby adventures, kitty loving, crazy husband antics, etc, etc, etc.......  And I thought, "I could do that!!"  But I was a little scared......  They told me to give it a try, so here I am at 1:17 in the morning trying to get something put together.  Forgive me if I start to sound random.  But I don't know what to write about.  I've got crazy stories, in fact, I'm full of them!!  I've got 2 young kids and a great husband, so I've got plenty of material to work with.  ;o)  Maybe I'll start a little something, something tomorrow.  I think this blogging thing will be fun.  (I hope you're happy now, Ivy.)  I'm about ready to hit the PUBLISH POST button.  Hopefully it doesn't blow anything up!!!!!!!!