About Me

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Hi, my name is Irina. Just living the life with my husband, James and our two kids, Isabelle and Austin. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you get a good laugh outta it! ;o)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Virgin Blogger.......

So a couple of my girlfriends, Sara and Natalie, have blogs and I've totally enjoyed reading about their home makeovers, crafty projects, baby adventures, kitty loving, crazy husband antics, etc, etc, etc.......  And I thought, "I could do that!!"  But I was a little scared......  They told me to give it a try, so here I am at 1:17 in the morning trying to get something put together.  Forgive me if I start to sound random.  But I don't know what to write about.  I've got crazy stories, in fact, I'm full of them!!  I've got 2 young kids and a great husband, so I've got plenty of material to work with.  ;o)  Maybe I'll start a little something, something tomorrow.  I think this blogging thing will be fun.  (I hope you're happy now, Ivy.)  I'm about ready to hit the PUBLISH POST button.  Hopefully it doesn't blow anything up!!!!!!!!


  1. Hello Virgin Blogger =} XOXO You totally should have called it that! hahaha

  2. LOL.... I thought about it. But I was afraid of all of the weirdos that I'd attract!! ;o)
